Complex web-commercial shoot for Android phone needs a few good set
builders, painters and props folks to create a Sci-Fi laboratory for
mid-August shoot. Neat concept, lots of room to be creative.
Need a couple of construction/flat building folks, some good
prop/dressing scavengers, a painter, some prop builders/sculptors with a
good artsy eye. maybe a graphics person. still figuring it out. Ideally
you are a multi-tasking arty-of-all-trades.
Also if you happen to have any interesting sci-fi/medical/electronic
items that could be good props, let me know!
Where: local Austin
When: probable start around Aug 8
Pay: Budget is still TBD, there WILL be pay, but rates may not be great.
If you have a minimum rate you wont go under, please include that in
your response so we don't waste your/my time. If you dont include a rate
I'll assume you'll work with what I've got.
Send resume/links to work/letter/whatevers to
bonafont@gmail.comPLEASE PUT "ART" IN THE SUBJECT
Contact: Production Designer Javier Bonafont
Contact: Javier Bonafont